June 2019
Produced for the Making Pages studio at RMIT
Tutor: Stuart Geddes
Enviro, Bulky and Grange paper stock
Type: Helvetica Neue
Publication Design
Id, Ps, Acrobat
There’s a tendency within design fields to be secretive around what influenced your work. The reasons for this are likely many, none of which this book shares. As Anthony Huberman explores in Naïve Set Theory there are numerous ways to create curiosity around your work, almost all of which play a game on the audience. This book is true—everything is contained. The curiosity here is in trying to understand the connections made by another.
This book is comprised almost entirely of others’ work. Copyrighted works. Nothing connects these works besides me. In this sense I’m not solely me, but an assemblage of copyrighted works.
This work emphasises the diversity of the sources of inspiration. And is an exercise in understanding how fleeting a piece of inspiration can be. There will be resets.